A compendium of news/articles/videos/pictures/events/stories that triggered the “Oh my god alarm!” Omygdaily – May 30 2016 will discuss:
- The fatal effects of an anaphylactic shock. Very sad.
- Descending a cliff, to go to school? Now, that is dedication!
- One-eyed snake bitten by a real snake. Ouch! That gotta hurt!
- We could all have been descendents of the fearless Mongol king, were it not for climate change. Bummer!
Omygdaily – May 30 2016
The fatal effects of an anaphylactic shock. Very sad. (Read More)
Anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock is an extreme allergic reaction to medication, food, insect bites, and stings. It is our body’s violent reaction to an allergen. Anaphylactic shock is a life-threatening condition, and if medical help is not provided immediately, the person suffering from anaphylaxis may die, as evident from the story linked. The deceased, in this case, was bitten by a swarm of fire ants. The allergen that was introduced into her body triggered a violent anaphylactic shock and, unfortunately, led to her passing away, as medical attention was delayed due to the ambulance arriving late.
Say what now?
Descending a cliff, to go to school? Now, that is dedication! (Read More)
The students of tiny mountainous village in southwest China, climbs a half-mile ladder made of vine to reach their school. They make this two-hour trip twice everyday—once up and once down—carrying backpack laden with books and other school essentials. On the one hand, you have billionaire Chinese oligarchs embarking on a worldwide buying spree, buying everything they can can lay their hands on; while, on the other hand, you have poor kids of Chinese peasants putting their lives at risk to get an education. Can the chasm of wealth disparity be any wider?
One-eyed snake bitten by a real snake. Ouch! That gotta hurt! (Read More)
Can you imagine the ordeal this man must have gone through? You respond to nature’s call and you end up with a snake biting your penis. This brings me to my question. So, he must have been using a pit latrine for the python to make it to his toilet? Or the snake must have somehow made it through to the septic tank and crawled up the pipes into the toilet. Crazy stuff! I am not going to be comfortable again while making a pit-stop.
We could all have been descendents of the fearless Mongol king, were it not for climate change. Bummer! (Read More)
So, it seems, climate change stopped the Mongol hordes from capturing entire Europe. Lucky us, otherwise we would have all been descendents of Genghis Khan. Supposedly, 16 million individuals or 0.5% of the men worldwide carry Genghis Khan’s Y chromosome. Now, just imagine how many more individuals would have had his DNA had his warriors been able to capture Europe and the Americas. If that had indeed happened, then, we would have probably called him Baba Khan, instead of Genghis Khan.