Omygdaily – May 26 2016

By | May 26, 2016

A compendium of news/articles/videos/pictures/events/stories that triggered the “Oh my god alarm!” Omygdaily – May 26 2016 will discuss:

  • The war on drugs, and its failure to prevent the sale and usage of illegal drugs in the US.
  • A study finds a link between great storytelling and physical attraction. Supposedly, if you can spin a yarn, women will find you “attractive and of higher statues.” You cannot make this *hit up!
  • Sitting on your child’s head to ‘gain submission’. If your child is not listening to you, please follow this strategy.
  • Oftentimes, a woman is another woman’s worst enemy.
  • The effects of climbing Mt. Everest or for that matter any of the highest peaks in the world.

Omygdaily – May 26 2016


So, you mean the war on drugs is working as intended, correct? (Read More)

In 1971, Richard Nixon declared war on illegal drugs. In the ensuing four decades the US government—both federal and state—have spent $1 trillion in “war on drugs.” Unfortunately, they have nothing to show for it, and it all has been a waste, as availability of illegal drugs and its usage is rampant in the US. Many analysts and experts consider the US taxpayer-funded war on drug a boondoggle “project” and a colossal fair. You can check out how much the US government have spent year-to-date here

Here are a few other sobering facts related to the war on drugs.

  • The US leads the world with regard to the number of people in prison. It currently has 2.3 million people in prison—the largest prison population, per capita, than any other nation in the world.
  • The US also ranks first in the world when it comes to using illegal drugs.
  • 20% of the incarcerated population are in prison due to drug related charges.
  • According to the UN, the total worth of global illegal drug trade is around $320 billion (circa 2005).
  • In 2010, americans spend $109 billion on illegal drugs.
  • In the US, Marijuana is the drug of choice for many, followed by painkillers, cocaine and heroine.

As you can see, although $1 trillion was spent in the last four decades to eradicate the menace of illegal drugs, the entire effort has turned out to be a damp squib. Isn’t it time to revisit the original idea of “war on drug” and consider another strategy, maybe even legalize drug use?

Say what now?

LMAO. A study finds a link between great storytelling and physical attraction. Supposedly, if you can spin a yarn, women will find you “attractive and of higher statues.” You cannot make this *hit up! (Read More)

I laugh out loud when I read articles such as the one above. Yeah right, women find men who can tell a story “attractive and of higher status.” And my imaginary study finds that men find women who are great project managers “attractive and of higher status.” It is as if no other characteristics or physical attributes are important in men and women being attracted to each other. If what the study states were true, then, shouldn’t women be trampling over one another trying to court great storytellers. On the contrary, what we see is many women being drawn to wealth, fame and fortune; hence, we see many of them chasing millionaires, celebrities, movie stars and sportsmen. I guess many beautiful young women marry wrinkly 80-year-old billionaires because they are great storytellers. Yep, I am pretty sure about that!

In reality, an unattractive but a great storyteller, howsoever great his spinning-a-yarn-talent may be, will never draw the attention of a beautiful woman. Looks and wealth matter. Believe me, I can spin a yarn, too, but not many women find me “attractive and of higher status.” The same is true for most men. Many of us are mostly interested in looks of a woman, her superficial attributes, and whether she is sexy and will be good in bed; everything else is mostly secondary. Hence, many marriages run into various problems early on. We are artificial beings; our lives have become artificial, and we like to live in a make-believe plastic world.

If your child is not listening to you, please sit on its head. It will surely calm him/her down. (Read More)

Great mom! I think she deserves the Mother-of-the-year award for sitting on her toddler’s head for an hour to ‘gain submission’. She was so good at it that the kid passed out and had to be taken to the hospital for medical help. All you moms or soon-to-be-moms or planning-to-be-a-mom, and you dads or wannabe dads or missing dads out there, please take note of how to discipline your kids if they aren’t listening to you.

Now, in my case, if I want to ‘gain submission’ of someone, I just ask my pet elephant to sit on their head. You see the best part of this strategy is no hospitals or doctors need to get involved if the person becomes unresponsive. I just ask my pet pigs to take care of an unresponsive “submissionee”. 

Oftentimes, a woman is another woman’s worst enemy. (Read More)

I think that, oftentimes, a woman is another woman’s worst enemy. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying men are saints. No, we aren’t. We can be pure evil. However, it seems, sometimes, women can be as evil as men. A study reveals that 50% of the misogynistic tweets on UK twitter are from women themselves. “Sluts” and “whores” are two worlds that are prevalent in most misogynistic tweets and, most of the times, it is a woman who uses those words against another woman. Go figure!


The effects of climbing Mt. Everest or for that matter any of the highest peaks in the world. (Read More)

I have the utmost respect for people who embark upon the dangerous journey of climbing and successfully summiting Mt. Everest, K2, Annapurna or any other mountain peak. Although the ascent to the summit is difficult, it is the descent from the summit that kills most climbers. At 29,000 ft above sea level, most climbers are operating at the same altitude as that of a commercial jetliner. Imagine that! Here are a few other interesting facts about the world’s deadliest mountains.

  • Everest is the 11th deadliest mountain to climb, with a fatality rate of 4%.
  • Between 1912 and 2006, there have been 212 deaths while climbers were trying to summit and descend from Everest. Out of those 212 deaths, 192 deaths occurred above the base camp.
  • 56% of the death happened while climbers are descending from Everest; 17% after turning back and 15% while ascending the summit.
  • There are approximately 200 dead bodies lying around Everest. The most famous dead body on the way to the summit is called “Green Boots”. It is assumed that the body is of Tsewang Paljor, an Indian climber who died in 1996, while descending from Mt. Everest. 
  • The most difficult mountain to climb is Annapurna I, which has a fatality rate of 34%. A third of the climbers die while trying to summit and descend.
  • Annapurna I is followed by K2, with a fatality rate of 29%, and Nanga Parbat, with a fatality rate of 21%.
  • Although the difference in height between K2 and Everest is around 250m, K2 is a far more dangerous mountain to climb. It is further north than Everest and is technically a much difficult climb than any other mountains in the Himalayan range. By the way, not a single climber has summited K2 in winter. 

To read one person’s gripping account of descending the K2 and how the mountain and the inhospitable conditions almost killed him, please visit this Read More.

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