A compendium of news/articles/videos/pictures/events/stories that triggered the “Oh my god alarm!” Omygdaily – May 18 2016 will discuss:
- This math problem will make you question everything you ever knew about alegbra (sic). Seriously? You have to be kidding me. I am no math wizard; however, if this question stumps you, then, you need to go back and finish middle school again.
- Self-driving trucks
- Assaulted while hiking alone in India
Omygdaily – May 18 2016
This math problem will make you question everything you ever knew about alegbra (sic). Seriously? You have to be kidding me. I am no math wizard; however, if this question stumps you, then, you need to go back and finish middle school again. (Read More)
Yes, sure, this math problem will make you question everything you know about Alegbra; however, if it is Algebra, then, you won’t, if you remember this, this, this, this and this. Who writes articles such as this?
Seriously, have we forgotten the order of operations? Have we forgotten—BODMAS or BOMDAS or PEMDAS or BEMDAS? Has nobody taught us the order to follow—Bracket, Order, Divide or Multiply, Add or Subtract. Did you know that a professor posted this mathematical question on Facebook—solve: 7 – 1 x 0 + 3 ÷ 3. 6000 people responded, and only 26% of the respondents were correct. Imagine that!
In case you are wondering, the correct answer is 8. Here is how you solve the question—follow the order of operations. Since there are no brackets or order, we will skip and go directly to division or multiplication. In this case, since division and multiplication are appearing next to one another, the rule to follow is, move from the left to right. Therefore, it follows,
7 – (1 x 0) + (3 ÷ 3),
7 – (0) + (1),
7 + 1,
Sorry, this will never be successful in India. This is what works in India.
Assaulted while hiking alone in India (Read More)
What’s wrong with some of the men folks in my country. This is disgusting. I cringe in shame, whenever I read stories about some Indian men assaulting women or exposing themselves to women in public or masturbating in public. How depraved must those men be to behave like animals. Not a day goes by without an incident such as this. Is our society breaking down, gradually?
Firstly, all of us have the right to protect ourselves when attacked or assaulted. It is called self-defense, and one of the most potent “weapons” for self-defense is a pepper spray.
Secondly, every person, men or women, should carry a pepper in person when stepping outside. You never know what kind of deviant character will cross your path during a particular day. Don’t for a moment think that somebody will come to your aid when attacked or assaulted. Many people have been attacked, assaulted and even murdered in broad daylight, in front of a crowd of people; however, nobody came to the victim’s assistance. This is known as the bystander effect.
Finally, please know that the best person to protect you is yourself. Hence, be prepared for any eventuality. Don’t go out looking for trouble, but be prepared if trouble comes your way. My advice to you: always carry a pepper spray and learn how to use it.