A compendium of news/articles/videos/pictures/events/stories that triggered the “Oh my god alarm!” Omygdaily – June 8 2016 edition will cover:
- A US Marine killed a 11-year-old boy by stabbing him 20 times. Psychopaths running wild.
- Human body retrieved from an 8 foot alligator’s mouth. You are playing with fire here, Mr. Alligator, be careful now.
- Dogs were domesticated separately in Europe and Asia thousands of years ago. Man’s best friend has been man’s best friend for ages. Hoocoodanode.
- A Jaguar stalks a man and then something “amazing” happens.
A Marine killed a 11-year-old by stabbing the boy 20 times. (Read More)
- Remember the story of a 11 year boy in Houston who was stabbed to death while returning home from school. It seems a former US Marine has been charged with the kids murder. A former US Marine stabbing a kid to death? Imagine that. I am not surprised by this story though. This is the outcome of war, which destroys the heart and soul of the pawns, I mean the soldiers, who take part in it. These killing machines committed horrible war crimes, such as rape, mutilation, random and indiscriminate killings, while engaged in conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places where they were sent to take part in military operations. These soldiers return home from those military excursions in foreign lands physically broken, emotionally empty, mentally destroyed and are incapable of being a part of the civilized society again. Yes, the MSM rarely covers such stories, but wars are brutal and bring out the worst in humans. A quick search will return hundreds, if not thousands, of articles of war crimes by US soldiers. Once these killing machines return home, their thirst for blood remains; they are always on the needles edge; they have nightmares of what they had committed in those foreign lands and with the slightest of provocations, they become the “blood thirsty animal” again. What caused this man to snap and kill the boy is open to conjecture, but the roots of this terrible act probably lie somewhere in his past. Watch the following videos to understand what the soldiers are capable of.
Say what now?
Human body retrieved from an 8 foot alligator’s mouth. (Read More)
- The world is getting crowded. Two apex predators jostling for space. You are going to see more of this. The alligators are going to win initially. Then guns will do the talking and the alligators will do the listening.
Dogs were domesticated separately in Europe and Asia thousands of years ago. (Read More)
- “Based on what archaeologists have found in paleolithic sites, it seems that human-domesticated dogs emerged about 15,000 years ago in Europe and eastern Asia. It was only later that Asian dogs crossed the continent with humans and supplanted ancient European dogs.“
A Jaguar stalks a man and then something “amazing” happens. (Read More)
- Yes, it is all fun and games until somebody gets hurt, killed, mauled or disfigured. There is a reason why they are call “wild animals”. Ask these folks.
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